You know, it's really refreshing to get some time off every now and again. Before this weekend, I was worked 12 days in a row with hospital and/or office responsibilities (sometimes 12-14 hour days). Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for sympathy, just sleep. And, boy have I taken a break this weekend.
I was really thinking of not blogging today, because, hey, I've really got nothing going on -- and for me that's news. I'm used to the go,go,go schedule and no time to take a breath. Don't worry, I'll be returning to that tomorrow.
But for today, maybe I'll just hop around the blogosphere (and catch some blograys and work on my blog tan), or really start that diet/exercise program I've been meaning to do, or take more of a break today. Oh well, I guess it's my choice. What are you doing today?