Ah, the calm before tomorrow...
As of this second (5:30am eastern time), submissions are closed! For those of you who e-mailed me in the last few hours past the deadline (you know who you are), whatever you wrote has to be pretty remarkable for me to consider it.
For the rest of you, don't even think about sending me something now. The deadline has been up on this site for six days for everyone to see. Almost every post of mine for the past week has been about Grand Rounds. Why did the entire blogosphere see it and not you?
I mean, the world is not going to end. Just submit it next week. Plus, the whining and excuses that people are sending are really getting to me. "Oh, Dr. A, I didn't know about the deadline, please, please, please.." C'mon. I guess I'm really making friends now, huh?
Just to let everyone know, Grand Rounds 3.09 will be up and running around 8am eastern time on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 (hopefully before that).
Thanks so much for those of you who participated in the Grand Rounds poll last week. The results are pretty similar to what was found during this post on Thursday. There wasn't too much interest past Thursday, and that's why I took it down.
The list of all previous interviews of Grand Rounds hosts can be found here. I'm hoping that my interview gets posted soon - because it's a good one. You won't want to miss that.
Right after my last post, work got tremendously more busy. Plus, I have an entire day in the office in front of me. I'm glad that I made the deadline early, because I'm going to need all the extra time.
Since I've never been a GR host before, I have to say that this has been an interesting process. I'll share a little bit more later this week. But, for now, I have to get through today and then finish my post for tomorrow...