Back in the saddle again -- Let me tell you, I could really get used to taking time off. I don't think I have felt this rested in a long time. Boy, did I need it because I think my entire patient pool called today.
Don't get me wrong, I did feel the love from my patients. It was just a little overwhelming. I couldn't help but crack a smile everytime a patient said, "I'm glad you took some time off, because you deserve it. But, I'm so glad you're back!" I was so relaxed that it didn't bother me, at the time, to explain that our office totally used up our flu shot supply while I was gone (no rant from me, yet, on this).
I'm on call Wednesday. I don't even think I remember what it is to be on call. LOL! I think I was last on call about two weeks ago - an eternity in my work life. We'll see how Wednesday goes.
Since I've gotten back, I haven't had the time to post the pics on my Flickr page -- until now. I definitely learned from last time with my DC pics. Who has the patience and time to look at 82 pictures? Certainly not me. I just wanted to test out my Flickr pro account.
So, this time, only 15 pictures for your to peruse. Before you ask, no, you will not find Dr. A in this set. The digital camera ran out of battery before I could take any pictures of me. Believe that? I didn't think so. I'll be a while before I go out of town again, so enjoy the pics!