
Blog changes

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Did you know that someone is making money off of your blog without your permission? I've been doing my own research on this, and I'm really upset about it. I'll refer you to Moof's description of the situation (Part 1 - especially the comments, Part 2, Part 3), as she is the first I heard about this. Mimi also has a descrpition on her blog. I also refer you to Lorelle. is the villain here. They are stealing your posts (the full text, pictures, etc from your post), slapping ads at the top and collecting the cash. Want to see an example? Click here.

Are you on bitacle? Check for yourself. Make sure you search under the "aggregates" tab to try to find your own blog. What can you do? Read about it more at Stop Bitacle. They have a button to put on your blog.

As you can see, I've but a couple of buttons at the top of this post. Bitacle doesn't see the sidebar, so if you decide to get a button, make sure you place it in the post itself to be effective. I'm toying with the idea of putting the buttons at the top of each post for the time being. That would be a significant blog change for me.

I just found another way to possibly fight back. It's from Plain Jane Mom; it's creative, and it's funny. If it works out, then I won't have to put those buttons at the top of each post. Check it out the great tip here.

In other blog related news, I'm going to moderate comments now. (I've talked about comments before, click here to read more.) I never wanted to do this, but I'm starting to get a lot of spam comments - the price of fame, I guess *smile*. So, if you don't see your comments popping up right away, that's why. (Parlancheq, thanks for asking)

Finally, I've decided to cut down the number of posts on the front page. (I've also talked about this before, click here.) I'm right around the 150 total posts range, and I've seen people have blogger problems when the front page gets a high number of posts. Want to read my previous posts? I invite you to check out the archive section in my sidebar. I'm really tired. Long weekend working, ugh...

Update: The bitacle link for this post is here. None of my top graphics are there. I tried Plain Jane Mom's suggestion but unfortunately it didn't show up as on hers - bummer, that would have been funny. Just wanted to update all of you.